From: Lionel Smith, Prof. <>
To: ODG <>
Date: 09/10/2020 00:59:38
Subject: online seminars

ODG members may recall that in the spring, the Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law launched a series of Global Seminars on Private Law Theory. Since mid-April there have been 13 seminars, roughly every two weeks, and the next one will be on 30 October (Steve Hedley on 'Tort and Need'). As the series evolved, and in conversation with friends and colleagues, it emerged that one of the ways in which it might be most useful is in providing an opportunity for less-established colleagues to present their research and get feedback, at a time when such opportunities are more difficult to come by.


Since our collective hoped-for return to normality is taking a bit longer than expected, the series seems likely to continue for some time, and I would encourage those interested in presenting to get in touch with me. There is obviously no rule about who is eligible to present, but I would particularly like to draw this invitation to the attention of those who are earlier in their careers. Anyone who would like present should please give me a proposed title and let me know how soon they would be ready. For those who have already contacted me: I have your message, and will be in touch (but feel free to chase me if you wish).


Finally: when I reminded the Restitution Discussion Group of this series (and its associated dedicated listserv) in August, at least thirty people signed up, which may have reflected how much people were missing in-person conferences and workshops. That dedicated listserv is used to announce the seminars, to send the zoom links, and to send the draft papers and other documents that go with the seminars. For anyone who wishes to join that listserv, you need to send an email to this address: and in the body (not subject) place the command




To make this easy, I have tried to program a link that will set up the email for you, so that you only have to click this link and then send the email that should be created: Click here to create an email message to subscribe to the mailing list for the Global Seminar on Private Law Theory. For security purposes, you will receive an message with a link to confirm your subscription. If anyone has trouble subscribing, please write to me.



Lionel Smith